Friday, November 9, 2018

Things Are Going To Change With More Women in Congress

     Women have recently made history in Congress in the 2018 election. as the population of women as outnumbered men for quite some time. It is surprising that this recent spike of women in Congress has not risen sooner than 2018. But the question is how beneficial or harmful will this be? Actually, the question is how will this impact our decisions made in legislation? Women have the reputation of being more emotional creatures and we tend to make decisions based on emotions. With reputable respected women as Ilan Omar and Deb Haaland; there has to be encouragement in their morale and point of views.

Cats and Dogs? Cats and Cats?

    Which is a worse fight? Fighting like cats and dogs, or cats and cats fighting? It is an amusing question as typically where there are more women there is more bickering, confusion, and sometimes chaos. Before being a mother or a businesswoman, or whatever we choose to be, we are first a woman. On the contrary, women are known to take more action even if it takes that additional 10 hours to talk about it. Kristi Noem told CBS "female voters don't just want to talk about women issues".


     Not that things will change for the good or bad, not that things will substantially change, but expectedly, things will change in Congress with more women aboard. With Congress having more emotions on board we can anticipate more decisions made from the heart versus the mind right? It is now a waiting game to see what issues will be changed directly resulting from the women's voice.


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  2. When I was reading your editorial about if women in Congress will be beneficial or not, I can say that I believe it will not be beneficial because of the emotional reaction to world crises as well as laws that shouldn’t be in place because of emotion. Let’s be honest, gun control, and mass school shootings in America has been a hot topic as of late and when you take into account that most women do not care about what the 1st amendment, over 95% of women have never held guns, using your logic women in Congress will make a passionate attempt to change these laws that have been around to protect gun owners since our founding fathers. It is also sexist to say that women should be in office because of their emotional trait. This gives me the impression that a woman in Congress is only there because of her emotional appeal. Men also make decisions from the heart and also for women and the better of the nation. Having more women in Congress is not needed for all the reasons state. In conclusion, Congress has seen its fair share of women that have done great in office but it was not because they brought emotions into making America better. Making America better does involve some type of emotion but it is far more complex than what meets the eye.
