Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Hello everyone,

I am critiquing a blog article written by Timothy Johnson on October 30, 2018. Stacey Abrams on AR15s This article is titled "Stacey Abrams take a popular position on gun violence, and conservatives are outraged." As blogs are an author expressing their views on a topic; Timothy Johnson, a blogger, seems extremely opinionated, not based on this particular article, but articles such as "I Survived A Writers Worst Nightmare and all I got was a Stinkin Blog Post."This article was in particularly addressing Stacey Abram's, who is running for governor of Georgia, feelings on the accessibility of AR15s. Stacey believes that certain individuals with dangerous backgrounds should be prohibited from owning this gun. Meghan Mccain asked Stacey if she would be rounding up these rifles from people who already own them, and that question was never answered. It appears that Timothy Johnson is targeting a neutral audience. This article did include the significant difference of republicans vs democrats wants for firearm rules. 46% of Republicans will like the rules to remain the same, while 90% of Democrats wish for tougher firearm rules. Myself being from a country and city background, I became extremely familiar and comfortable with guns at a young age. Having said this, I completely agree with Stacey's views on there being more striker background checks enforced, as well as AR15 being banned from the ordinary citizen. I feel there is absolutely no reason for the typical person to have possession of a gun of such magnitude. A 9ml or even a 380 can protect a person well enough without having to resort to obtaining a gun designed for mass shooting. Timothy's views seem to feel that this is broadcast as a stunt to influence the thought that her views will impact Stacey Abrams vote.

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