Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Day of Mourning...

George H.W. Bush

Sadly on November 30, 2018 former President George H.W. Bush passed away. His life span was from June 12 1924-November 30, 2018; he lived 94 years. Saturday, December 1, 2018 President Donald Trumpd declared December 5th a national mourning day. This day is followed by President Bush's funeral on December 4th. "I do further appoint December 5, 2018, as a National Day of Mourning throughout the United States. I call on the American people to assemble on that day in their respective places of worship, there to pay homage to the memory of President George H.W. Bush." (President Trump). This announcement was extended through Governor Abbot Monday December 3, 2018. President Bush was respected across the board, going futher than just politics, in a whole, he was known to be a good man. He accomplished many respectible accomplishments in his life before becoming President, a few of them is having served in World War II and becoming an entrepreneur in the oil industry. During his presidency 1989-1993, many Americans respected his noble judgement on passing the American Disability Act.

What does this mean to the American People?

The observed national mourning day effected state and U.S postal employees by allowing them to be off from work. In addition, the stock exchanged and U.S markets came to a stop. Understanding that the goverment made this decision out of respect for our 41st president; is the typical everyday citizen taking this day to mourn? This "free" day giving to be off was used to catch up with Christmas shopping, have family time, or to just simply get much needed rest during the holiday season and working full-time. All these essential activities done in the day of mourning, without even much uttering the name Bush. Through our monarchy we rely on our government to make the best decisions for the people that will be most effective. What real meaningful effect did we receive from a National Mourning Day? There is surely 100 ways to view this outcome. Most Americans are sincerely grateful for this day of mourning, and some Americans are genuinely mourning this day. Ultimately there is no complaint as many Americans were able to take a day to relax, unwind, and perhaps even mourn today December 5, 2018.

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