Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Hello everyone,

I am critiquing a blog article written by Timothy Johnson on October 30, 2018. Stacey Abrams on AR15s This article is titled "Stacey Abrams take a popular position on gun violence, and conservatives are outraged." As blogs are an author expressing their views on a topic; Timothy Johnson, a blogger, seems extremely opinionated, not based on this particular article, but articles such as "I Survived A Writers Worst Nightmare and all I got was a Stinkin Blog Post."This article was in particularly addressing Stacey Abram's, who is running for governor of Georgia, feelings on the accessibility of AR15s. Stacey believes that certain individuals with dangerous backgrounds should be prohibited from owning this gun. Meghan Mccain asked Stacey if she would be rounding up these rifles from people who already own them, and that question was never answered. It appears that Timothy Johnson is targeting a neutral audience. This article did include the significant difference of republicans vs democrats wants for firearm rules. 46% of Republicans will like the rules to remain the same, while 90% of Democrats wish for tougher firearm rules. Myself being from a country and city background, I became extremely familiar and comfortable with guns at a young age. Having said this, I completely agree with Stacey's views on there being more striker background checks enforced, as well as AR15 being banned from the ordinary citizen. I feel there is absolutely no reason for the typical person to have possession of a gun of such magnitude. A 9ml or even a 380 can protect a person well enough without having to resort to obtaining a gun designed for mass shooting. Timothy's views seem to feel that this is broadcast as a stunt to influence the thought that her views will impact Stacey Abrams vote.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Ford vs Kavanaugh vs Government Officials

     In the Austin American Statesmen in the commentaries section on October 3rd, 2018, journalist Eugene Robinson wrote an article titled "Make No Mistake: GOP senators were putting women in their place". This commentary article covers the current highly controversial sexual assault accusations against Brett Kavanaugh. As I stated before I'm not big on politics or following stories in our national government. Expectedly if you are not sleeping under a rug, you are going to be aware of this story. Author Eugene Robinson, a liberal political analyst on MNBC network seems to have a fair amount of respect with his peers. In 2009 Eugene Robinson won the Pulitzer Prize. Eugene criticizes the Republicans on how they addressed the allegations of sexual assault from Dr. Christine Blasley Ford.  Eugene points out that during an investigation the FBI agents would find small lies told by Kavanaugh. The article speaks on how Ford's story was completely dismissed and the Republicans totally took Kavanaugh's word of the alleged events. Eugene questions about why were Kavanaugh so defensive regarding his drinking behavior while in high school and in college. While reading the article and writing this post I literally listened to the Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford full testimony on youtube (3o mins only). I consider myself to be a very level headed fair individual. I do feel that in all fairness each side of the story should be expressed and respectfully heard. Considering all points such as the timeline, the accuser, the title of the accused, the setting of where the sexual misconduct occurred, and the position Kavanaugh is seeking; I feel as these accusations are a little minor. I do say this lightly, as being appointed to the most honored court, The Supreme court, we assume it embodies people with the utmost values and morals. Unfortunately certain career titles such as pastors, police officers, teachers, and government officials we naturally hold to a higher standard. The nearly perfect expectation we have for them is nearly impossible. No one is perfect. Surprisingly by being a woman myself, I feel Dr.Christine Ford is being petty. To my understanding, there was no actual rape that occurred. There also has not been any other accusers come forward with rape, only sexual misconduct. These events took place while Kavanaugh was a minor in school drinking at a party. I believe it is completely unfair to hold misconduct to this minute degree against the career path Kavanaugh is pursuing. I fully disagree with Eugene stating that Ford received the same treatment as a provocative woman. I believe that it should be irrelevant of how many degrees or professional careers Ford has obtained. A prostitute should receive the same amount of respect of having her story heard, in the same respectful manner. I do feel that the victims have to hold some accountability on not coming forward with their stories sooner. It appears that Robinson was seeking the obvious female and Democrat audience when writing this article. Ford vs Kavanaugh vs Government officials

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


I found an interesting article over TPS by Catherine E. Shoichet published through CNN on October 4, 2018, This article initially caught my attention because I was first curious to find out what was TPS. After reading, TPS is Temporary Protected Status. There are nearly half a million people that populate us under TPS. Individuals are granted TPS in the United States when they are from a country that has extreme devasting habitats. There are only 10 countries that qualify to be under this status.

Trumps administration has been on fire about deportation; his office is looking to stop TPS for most people under this status. Presently US District Judge Edward Chen is seeking to sustain TPS for four of those countries. Whether you're political or not, this is a topic that most individuals are attentive to.  Majority US citizens half strong opinions concerning this matter. This is an interesting article to read because it obviously affects various issues such as population, crime, and jobs to name a few.